Defensive Driving - Large Vehicles Course
Keywords: Driver and Transportation Safety, Wind Turbine, Defensive Driving, defensive driving course, defensive driving training, defensive driving large vehicle course,
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Defensive Driving - Large Vehicles Course

Most vehicle accidents are actually the result of human error. If an error is made at the wrong moment, an accident or collision will result. A consistent, defensive approach to driving is the best way to reduce the likelihood of driver error. The goal of this course is to provide drivers of large vehicles with the knowledge and safe driving techniques they need to prevent collisions and violations.
Course Objectives:
List the five characteristics of defensive drivers; State the three major causes of traffic accidents; Describe the actions you can take to remain in control of yourself as you drive; Describe what you can do to control your vehicle as you drive; List the eight most common driving errors and give examples of how to prevent them; State the collision prevention formula; Describe the action to take in the event of a collision/traffic incident
Duration: 43 min.

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Price :
$29.95 ( Per License )
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