Combustible Dust Course
Good housekeeping practices can help minimize the likelihood of a fire or explosion due to combustible dust. Take this course to learn what combustible dust is, how to detect it and what safety measures to use to mitigate its hazards. This course does not provide technical information suitable to engineers who design, build and maintain equipment and facilities. Ideal learners are all employees.
Course Objectives:
Define combustible dust; Detect combustible dust hazards in the workplace; Recall safety measures you can use to prevent combustible dust incidents; Identify the proper PPE to wear to protect yourself in the event of a combustible dust fire or explosion
Duration: 23 min.
Keywords: Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication, Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress, General Safety and Manufacturing, Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding
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Combustible Dust Course

Good housekeeping practices can help minimize the likelihood of a fire or explosion due to combustible dust. Take this course to learn what combustible dust is, how to detect it and what safety measures to use to mitigate its hazards. This course does not provide technical information suitable to engineers who design, build and maintain equipment and facilities. Ideal learners are all employees.
Course Objectives:
Define combustible dust; Detect combustible dust hazards in the workplace; Recall safety measures you can use to prevent combustible dust incidents; Identify the proper PPE to wear to protect yourself in the event of a combustible dust fire or explosion
Duration: 23 min.

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$29.95 ( Per License )
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