Process Safety Management: Management of Change (US) Course
Management of Change (MOC) is a program designed to identify, evaluate, and prevent chemical releases that could result from changes in processes, procedures, or equipment. This course discusses MOC requirements that are part of the Process Safety Management (PSM) regulations. Topics in this course include: Change, Purpose, MOC Procedure, Change Request Form, and Implementation. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize how and when they must use an MOC procedure, identify the components of a successful MOC procedure, and identify how companies use implementation to make sure their MOC procedure is adequate.
Course Objectives:
Recognize how and when you must use a Management of Change (MOC) procedure; Recognize what must be included in an MOC procedure
Duration: 15 min.
Keywords: Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication, EHS Manager, General Safety and Manufacturing, Health and Safety Management
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Process Safety Management: Management of Change (US) Course

Management of Change (MOC) is a program designed to identify, evaluate, and prevent chemical releases that could result from changes in processes, procedures, or equipment. This course discusses MOC requirements that are part of the Process Safety Management (PSM) regulations. Topics in this course include: Change, Purpose, MOC Procedure, Change Request Form, and Implementation. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize how and when they must use an MOC procedure, identify the components of a successful MOC procedure, and identify how companies use implementation to make sure their MOC procedure is adequate.
Course Objectives:
Recognize how and when you must use a Management of Change (MOC) procedure; Recognize what must be included in an MOC procedure
Duration: 15 min.

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