Process Safety Management: Compliance Audits (US) Course
Process Safety Management (PSM) is a regulation that requires companies to comply with 14 elements to reduce the risk associated with highly hazardous chemicals in process facilities. Compliance auditing is one of the 14 elements and provides a way for companies to self-evaluate their implementation efforts. This course emphasizes the importance of performing a compliance audit to ensure they are meeting company standards. Topics in this course include: Compliance Audit, Elements, Preparation, and Conducting an Audit. After completing this course, learners will recognize what a compliance audit is, what PSM elements are included in a compliance audit, and what steps should be taken to perform an effective audit.
Course Objectives:
Recognize PSM regulations that apply to compliance audits; Identify how to successfully perform an effective audit
Duration: 15 min.
Keywords: Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication, EHS Manager, General Safety and Manufacturing, Health and Safety Management
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Process Safety Management: Compliance Audits (US) Course

Process Safety Management (PSM) is a regulation that requires companies to comply with 14 elements to reduce the risk associated with highly hazardous chemicals in process facilities. Compliance auditing is one of the 14 elements and provides a way for companies to self-evaluate their implementation efforts. This course emphasizes the importance of performing a compliance audit to ensure they are meeting company standards. Topics in this course include: Compliance Audit, Elements, Preparation, and Conducting an Audit. After completing this course, learners will recognize what a compliance audit is, what PSM elements are included in a compliance audit, and what steps should be taken to perform an effective audit.
Course Objectives:
Recognize PSM regulations that apply to compliance audits; Identify how to successfully perform an effective audit
Duration: 15 min.

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$29.95 ( Per License )
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