Materials Handling and Storage Awareness Course

There are hundreds of thousands of materials handling accidents every year, ranging from small splinters, cuts or scrapes, to crushed fingers, hands and feet and even deaths. Through proper precautions, you can help prevent these incidents. Ideal learners are all employees.

Course Objectives:

  • Identify the proper methods of moving, handling and storing materials; 
  • Identify the types of materials handling equipment and how to use them; 
  • Understand and use basic ergonomic safety and health principles

Duration:  9 min

Keywords: Materials Handling and Storage Awareness, pandemic, EHS Awareness, EHS Global, General Safety, Driver Awareness, manufacturing, Construction, Ergonomics, Transportation Safety, Health and Wellness, Employment Liability, Environmental, UL, ultraining, UL courses

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Materials Handling and Storage Awareness Course

Materials Handling and Storage Awareness
Materials Handling and Storage Awareness
Materials Handling and Storage Awareness Course

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Price :

$29.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 122 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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