Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2 (Chinese)


Course Objective:

Keywords: Electrical and LOTO, General Industry and Manufacturing, Tools, Warehouse Safety, Wind Turbine

Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2 (Chinese)

Machine Guarding Part 1: Hazards (Chinese) 机器保护装置 - 第 1 部分:危害
Machine Guarding Part 1: Hazards (Chinese) 机器保护装置 - 第 1 部分:危害
Machine Guarding Part 2: Precautions (Chinese) 机器保护装置 - 第 2 部分:预防措施
Machine Guarding Part 2: Precautions (Chinese) 机器保护装置 - 第 2 部分:预防措施


Machine Guarding Part 1: Hazards (Chinese) Job Aid   (87 KB)
Machine Guarding Part 2: Precautions (Chinese) Job Aid   (130 KB)
Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2 (Chinese)

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Difficulty: Normal

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