Hot Work for Construction Course

Many destructive fires are caused by hot work, which is cutting, welding and other work that generates heat and sparks. Various best practices, company policies, regulations and codes govern hot work and, when followed properly, help ensure you and your co-workers stay safe. This course covers hazards, safety precautions, responsibilities and emergency procedures associated with this dangerous but necessary work. Ideal learners include all construction employees who perform, supervise or work near hot work.

Course Objectives:

Define hot work;Identify the hazards and safety precautions associated with performing hot work;Recall the general responsibilities of individuals involved in hot work;Know how a hot work permit is used

Duration: 17 min.

Keywords: Construction, Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress, Health and Safety Management, Hot Work, Fire Watch and Welding

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Hot Work for Construction Course

Hot Work for Construction
Hot Work for Construction

Many destructive fires are caused by hot work, which is cutting, welding and other work that generates heat and sparks. Various best practices, company policies, regulations and codes govern hot work and, when followed properly, help ensure you and your co-workers stay safe. This course covers hazards, safety precautions, responsibilities and emergency procedures associated with this dangerous but necessary work. Ideal learners include all construction employees who perform, supervise or work near hot work.

Course Objectives:

Define hot work;Identify the hazards and safety precautions associated with performing hot work;Recall the general responsibilities of individuals involved in hot work;Know how a hot work permit is used

Duration: 17 min.


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Hot Work for Construction Course

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$29.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 386 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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