Benzene Safety (US) Course
Keywords: Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication, General Safety and Manufacturing
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Benzene Safety (US) Course

Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon that is produced by the burning of natural products. It is found in gasoline and other fuels, and is used in the manufacture of plastics, detergents, pesticides and other chemicals. Benzene is a clear, colorless liquid with a pleasant, sweet odor. The odor of benzene does not provide adequate warning of its hazard. In fact, benzene can cause serious health problems that you must understand if you work with it. This module covers the hazards of benzene and how to work safely with benzene. Ideal learners are all employees.
Course Objectives:
Know the effects of overexposure to benzene;Know how exposure to benzene can occur;Know how to reduce your risk of exposure;Know how to work safely with benzene;Know emergency and first-aid procedures in the event of exposure
Duration: 16 min.

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$29.95 ( Per License )
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