Bench Grinder Safety Course

A jagged wheel fragment can fly fast enough to penetrate the soft tissue of your neck, eyes and face. Bench grinders are powerful tools that require precision and precaution. This course will explain the steps you must take to stay safe when working with these commonly used pieces of equipment. Ideal learners are maintenance employees in general industry, employees in the construction industry, and supervisors of those employees.

Keywords: General Safety and Manufacturing, Tools, Wind Turbine

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Bench Grinder Safety Course

Bench Grinder Safety
Bench Grinder Safety

A jagged wheel fragment can fly fast enough to penetrate the soft tissue of your neck, eyes and face. Bench grinders are powerful tools that require precision and precaution. This course will explain the steps you must take to stay safe when working with these commonly used pieces of equipment. Ideal learners are maintenance employees in general industry, employees in the construction industry, and supervisors of those employees.

Course Objectives:

Recognize common causes of injury associated with bench grinders;Identify the main safety features of a bench grinder;Recall general precautions and tips for safe use;Order the steps to replace a grinding wheel

Duration: 19 min.


Bench Grinder Safety Job Aid   (100 KB)
Bench Grinder Safety Course

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Price :

$29.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 350 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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