Asbestos Hazards Suite Course
Asbestos can be deadly without proper controls and release procedures. In this suite, you will learn how to identify and avoid asbestos as well as how to control your exposure to it. This suite is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.
Keywords: Chemicals, Substances, and Hazard Communication, Construction, Contractor Safety, Employment Liability, Environmental, First Aid, Health and Wellness, General Industry and Manufacturing, Health and Safety Management, Hot Work, Asbestos Hazards Suite Course, Asbestos Hazards Training
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Asbestos Hazards Suite Course

Asbestos Hazards: Characteristics and Health Effects
If you saw asbestos, would you know what it was? Take this course to learn about asbestos characteristics and health effects. Being able to recognize asbestos and its health effects is the first step to working safely around it. This course is ideal for people who work in hazardous environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.

Asbestos Hazards: Products and Types
Do you know where you are most likely to encounter asbestos at work? Take this course to learn about the types of asbestos, the locations and products to watch out for, and the signs that they are damaged or deteriorating. Workers need to know where asbestos is so that they can avoid and control it. This course is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.

Asbestos Hazards: Signs, Areas and Monitoring
Knowing when asbestos is present helps you determine what to do to work safely around it. In this course, you will learn about regulated asbestos areas, signage, labels and monitoring. This information will help you make informed, safe decisions to avoid asbestos exposure. This course is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.

Asbestos Hazards: Avoiding Exposure
Asbestos can cause serious health conditions, including cancer. That is why it is so important that workers control their exposure to it. In this course, you will learn about the controls you can use to avoid being exposed to asbestos fibers, including ventilation, work practices and personal protective equipment, or PPE. This course is ideal for people who work in hazardous environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.

Asbestos Hazards: Release Response
If there was an asbestos fiber release in your work area, would you know what to do? Take this course to learn the actions you should take as well as what first aid to administer to people who may have been exposed to asbestos. This course is ideal for people who work in hazardous environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.

Asbestos Hazards: Characteristics and Health Effects Job AId
(21 KB)

Asbestos Hazards: Products and Types Job Aid
(23 KB)

Asbestos Hazards: Signs, Areas and Monitoring Job Aid
(52 KB)

Asbestos Hazards: Avoiding Exposure Job Aid
(24 KB)

Asbestos Hazards: Release Response Job Aid
(97 KB)

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Price :
$129.00 ( Per License )
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