Safe Return to the Workspace: Employees
You have been away from your workspace recently because of an environmental disaster, pandemic or other catastrophic event. As you prepare to reoccupy that space, it's important that you know what to expect and what to do so that you and others may work safely. Safe Return to Work for Employees Course is ideal for all employees.
Duration: 19 min
Keywords: Safe Return to the Workspace: Employees, UL, ultraining, UL courses, safe return to workplace, safe return to workplace for employee, employee safety course, employee safety training certification course
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Safe Return to the Workspace: Employees
Biological threats, such as outbreaks and pandemics, and environmental disasters may require people to stay home. When employers determine it is safe to return to workspaces, it's important to remember that aspects of the threat may still be present. Fortunately, there are things you and your employer can do to maintain health and safety as you return to the workplace. This course is ideal for all employees.
Course Objective:
- Know how to prepare to return to workspaces
Environmental disasters, catastrophic events and pandemics, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, often mean that workers must leave their workspaces suddenly. When the threat is reduced to safe levels and it is time to return, there are changes you and your employer can make to improve health and safety. This course is ideal for all employees.
Course Objective:
- Know how to make workspaces as clean and safe as possible or practical
When it comes to environmental disasters, catastrophic events and pandemics, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, we must all look out for and protect each other. As we return to shared workspaces, it is important to take precautions to prevent people from becoming ill. This course is ideal for all employees.
Course Objective:
- Know how to protect people in workspaces from possible infection or transmission
Some employees might not return to the workspace after an environmental disaster, catastrophic event or pandemic, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. If you continue working from home, you may need to adjust your workspace setup, communications software, security measures and daily routine. You’ll also need to learn the best ways to connect and collaborate with your work team while reducing distractions. This course is ideal for all employees.
Course Objective:
- Know how to work from a home office safely and efficiently
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Price :
$29.95 ( Per License )
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