Office Ergonomics for California Course
We have all felt aches and pains from bad posture, repetitive work, and sitting or standing in one position for extended periods. Working in an office can take a toll on your muscles, but proper ergonomics can make you more comfortable and efficient. The goal of this course is to assist you in evaluating and modifying your office work environment to reduce ergonomic risk. Ideal learners are office workers or anyone who works at a desk.
Course Objectives:
Define office ergonomics;Recognize ergonomic risk factors in the office environment;Identify adjustments needed to make the work area more ergonomically friendly;Identify strategies to reduce ergonomic risks;Know how to create a program designed to minimize repetitive motion injuries (RMIs)
Duration: 28 min.
Keywords: Ergonomics and Office Safety, General Safety and Manufacturing, Working from Home/Remote
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Office Ergonomics for California Course
We have all felt aches and pains from bad posture, repetitive work, and sitting or standing in one position for extended periods. Working in an office can take a toll on your muscles, but proper ergonomics can make you more comfortable and efficient. The goal of this course is to assist you in evaluating and modifying your office work environment to reduce ergonomic risk. Ideal learners are office workers or anyone who works at a desk.
Course Objectives:
Define office ergonomics;Recognize ergonomic risk factors in the office environment;Identify adjustments needed to make the work area more ergonomically friendly;Identify strategies to reduce ergonomic risks;Know how to create a program designed to minimize repetitive motion injuries (RMIs)
Duration: 28 min.
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$29.95 ( Per License )
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