Line Breaking (US) Course

Author: UL

Line breaking is an extremely hazardous task that can cause chemical exposure and injuries due to the extreme pressure in lines. It is important that you know what safety guidelines you can follow to minimize your risk. Take this course to learn more! Ideal learners are any employees in an industrial work environment who manage, use or process chemicals, particularly those with hazardous chemical operations.

Course Objectives:

Understand line breaking and its associated hazards;Distinguish between routine and non-routine line breaking;Identify different types of flanges;Recall safety procedures for the line breaking process, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

Duration: 17 min.

Keywords: Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication, Electrical and LOTO, General Safety and Manufacturing, Health and Safety Management

Line Breaking (US) Course

Line Breaking (US)

Line breaking is an extremely hazardous task that can cause chemical exposure and injuries due to the extreme pressure in lines. It is important that you know what safety guidelines you can follow to minimize your risk. Take this course to learn more! Ideal learners are any employees in an industrial work environment who manage, use or process chemicals, particularly those with hazardous chemical operations.

Course Objectives:

Understand line breaking and its associated hazards;Distinguish between routine and non-routine line breaking;Identify different types of flanges;Recall safety procedures for the line breaking process, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)

Duration: 17 min.

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Price :

$29.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 190 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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