Hazard Communication for Construction, Parts 1-2 (US)

Hazardous chemicals are present on most construction sites and can put people at risk. The chemicals and their uses may be different for each job, but how we should communicate about hazards is the same. Take these courses to learn about written program, label and safety data sheet requirements. Knowing what to expect and how to find safety information could prevent you from being hurt. This course is ideal for all construction workers.

Course Objectives:

Duration: 24 min.

Keywords: Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication, Construction

Hazard Communication for Construction, Parts 1-2 (US)

Hazard Communication for Construction: How to Use Labels and Safety Data Sheets (US)
Hazard Communication for Construction: How to Use Labels and Safety Data Sheets (US)

Hazardous chemicals are present on most construction sites and put the workers who use them or who are around them at risk. This Hazard Communication, also called HazCom, training will provide you with the information you need to understand labels and safety data sheets (SDSs). Your company may enhance this online course with additional company, jobsite and chemical-specific information. This course is ideal for all construction workers.

Course Objectives:

Identify where and how to use hazard warning labels;Know what information is in a safety data sheet (SDS)

Duration: 12 min.

Hazard Communication for Construction: Written Program (US)
Hazard Communication for Construction: Written Program (US)

Every jobsite is unique, but how we communicate about hazards should be the same no matter where you work. That is why OSHA has a Hazard Communication Standard! In this course, you will learn about what is included in every written program and what you should expect in terms of responsibilities and training. This course is ideal for all construction workers.

Course Objectives:

Know the purpose and contents of the Hazard Communication (HazCom) Standard;Classify the physical and health hazards of chemicals;Recognize the responsibilities of chemical manufacturers, chemical importers and companies;Recognize the types of information in a written hazard communication program;Know what training and information to expect after this training

Duration: 12 min.


Hazard Communication for Construction: How to Use Labels and Safety Data Sheets (US) Job Aid   (91 KB)
Hazard Communication for Construction: Written Program (US) Job Aid   (84 KB)
Hazard Communication for Construction, Parts 1-2 (US)

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Price :

$29.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 305 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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