Fire Extinguishers: Classifications (US) Course
Using the wrong type of extinguisher can actually make a fire worse. Take this course to learn about the classifications of fire and how to choose the appropriate extinguisher in a given situation. This course is ideal for workers in the United States who may use fire extinguishers in offices, factories, warehouses and other general industry work settings and situations.
Keywords: General Industry and Manufacturing, Fire Extinguishers: Classifications (US), Safety, Fire Extinguisher
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Fire Extinguishers: Classifications (US) Course
Fire Extinguishers: Classifications (US)
Using the wrong type of extinguisher can actually make a fire worse. Take this course to learn about the classifications of fire and how to choose the appropriate extinguisher in a given situation. This course is ideal for workers in the United States who may use fire extinguishers in offices, factories, warehouses and other general industry work settings and situations.
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