Fall Protection: Rescues Course

A worker falls, but his personal fall arrest system stops his descent. Now the worker is suspended in midair and screaming for help. What do you do? This can be a chilling moment if you do not have a plan. Fall Protection Rescues Training Course highlights common considerations in fall protection rescue planning and provides advice for reducing post-fall suspension trauma. It is ideal for workers, supervisors and managers.

Course Objectives:

Recognize the possible consequences of fall suspension;Know how suspension trauma happens;Know how to reduce the effects of suspension trauma;Know what to include in fall rescue plans

Duration: 12 min.

Keywords: General Safety and Manufacturing, slips, Trips and Falls, Wind Turbine, Fall Protection, Rescue, Heights, Safety, training, course, OSHA, regulations, certification

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Fall Protection: Rescues Course

Fall Protection: Rescues
Fall Protection: Rescues

A worker falls, but his personal fall arrest system stops his descent. Now the worker is suspended in midair and screaming for help. What do you do? This can be a chilling moment if you do not have a plan. This course highlights common considerations in fall protection rescue planning and provides advice for reducing post-fall suspension trauma. It is ideal for workers, supervisors and managers.

Course Objectives:

Recognize the possible consequences of fall suspension;Know how suspension trauma happens;Know how to reduce the effects of suspension trauma;Know what to include in fall rescue plans

Duration: 12 min.


Fall Protection: Rescues Job Aid   (41 KB)
Fall Protection: Rescues Course

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Price :

$29.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 415 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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