Egress and Emergency Action Plans Awareness Course
Fires, severe weather, medical emergencies, chemical releases, bomb threats and other emergencies can threaten the entire workforce. We cannot completely eliminate dangerous workplace situations, but we can reduce the harm they cause. This course will focus on two important aspects of this effort: egress and emergency action plans. Ideal learners are all employees.
Course Objectives:
Identify the components of an exit route;Recognize the fundamental requirements of egress;Recall the detailed elements of egress;Recall the core elements of emergency action plans;Know how to safely evacuate during an emergency
Duration: 15 min.
Keywords: Awareness and Microlearning, Chemicals, Substances and Hazard Communication, Ergonomics and Office Safety, Fire Extinguisher, Prevention and Egress, General Safety and Manufacturing, Wind Turbine, Working from Home/Remote
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Egress and Emergency Action Plans Awareness Course
Fires, severe weather, medical emergencies, chemical releases, bomb threats and other emergencies can threaten the entire workforce. We cannot completely eliminate dangerous workplace situations, but we can reduce the harm they cause. This course will focus on two important aspects of this effort: egress and emergency action plans. Ideal learners are all employees.
Course Objectives:
Identify the components of an exit route;Recognize the fundamental requirements of egress;Recall the detailed elements of egress;Recall the core elements of emergency action plans;Know how to safely evacuate during an emergency
Duration: 15 min.
Buy This Course
Price :
$29.95 ( Per License )
Visited: 276 Times
Difficulty: Normal
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