Effective Supervision (US) Course
In the increasingly competitive marketplace of today, people are the most valuable resource in an organization. Effectively supervising this resource is crucial to success. This course presents the tools needed to be an effective supervisor. The course will help those new to the supervisory role transition to their new responsibilities, while providing a good review for more seasoned supervisors. Ideal learners are supervisors and managers.
Course Objectives:
Recognize the importance of being an effective supervisor;Understand the multiple roles a supervisor plays;Identify common mistakes to avoid;Describe how to transition to a supervisory position;List seven supervisory styles and understand when and how to use them;Describe how to manage better using motivation, accountability, recognition and communication
Duration: 33 min.
Keywords: Employment Liability, management skills
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Effective Supervision (US) Course
In the increasingly competitive marketplace of today, people are the most valuable resource in an organization. Effectively supervising this resource is crucial to success. This course presents the tools needed to be an effective supervisor. The course will help those new to the supervisory role transition to their new responsibilities, while providing a good review for more seasoned supervisors. Ideal learners are supervisors and managers.
Course Objectives:
Recognize the importance of being an effective supervisor;Understand the multiple roles a supervisor plays;Identify common mistakes to avoid;Describe how to transition to a supervisory position;List seven supervisory styles and understand when and how to use them;Describe how to manage better using motivation, accountability, recognition and communication
Duration: 33 min.
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$29.95 ( Per License )
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