Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts Course
Substance abuse causes harm to more people than just the abuser. This Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts Course for everyone teaches workers what drug and alcohol abuse is and it outlines the costs of substance abuse to employers. It also provides facts about commonly abused substances and how to reduce the risks of substance abuse. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
Course Objectives:
- Define substance abuse;
- Identify the effects of substance abuse;
- Specify the costs of substance abuse in the workplace;
- Explain ways to reduce the risk of substance abuse;
- Identify resources for education, prevention and intervention
Duration: 44 min.
Keywords: Drugs and Alcohol, The Facts, pandemic, EHS Awareness, EHS Global, General Safety, Driver Awareness, manufacturing, Construction, Ergonomics, Transportation Safety, Health and Wellness, Employment Liability, Environmental, UL
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Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts Course

Substance abuse causes harm to more people than just the abuser. This course teaches workers what drug and alcohol abuse is and it outlines the costs of substance abuse to employers. It also provides facts about commonly abused substances and how to reduce the risks of substance abuse. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.
Course Objectives:
- Define substance abuse;
- Identify the effects of substance abuse;
- Specify the costs of substance abuse in the workplace;
- Explain ways to reduce the risk of substance abuse;
- Identify resources for education, prevention and intervention
Course Duration: 44 min.

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$29.95 ( Per License )
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