Construction Safety Orientation Course
You should expect to go home unhurt at the end of your work day. Accidents and injuries are preventable and occur because of unsafe conditions and unsafe acts. Take this orientation course to learn some basic safety rules you can use to help prevent injuries. This course is ideal for construction workers.
Course Objectives:
Recall some basic jobsite safe practices;Know some ways to safely choose and use tools and equipment;Recall fall protection measures to take when you work at heights;Recognize ways to minimize the hazards of excavations and confined spaces
Duration: 20 min.
Keywords: Construction, Construction Safety, Safety Orientation, training course, Fall Protection, Hazard Communication, Personal Protective Equipment, OSHA, Construction Safety Orientation, Construction Safety Orientation course, Construction Safety Orientation training, Construction Safety Orientation certification
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Construction Safety Orientation Course

You should expect to go home unhurt at the end of your work day. Accidents and injuries are preventable and occur because of unsafe conditions and unsafe acts. Take this orientation course to learn some basic safety rules you can use to help prevent injuries. This course is ideal for construction workers.
Course Objectives:
Recall some basic jobsite safe practices;Know some ways to safely choose and use tools and equipment;Recall fall protection measures to take when you work at heights;Recognize ways to minimize the hazards of excavations and confined spaces
Duration: 20 min.

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$29.95 ( Per License )
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