15-Passenger Van Safety Course
Keywords: Driver and Transportation Safety
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15-Passenger Van Safety Course
Driving a van is not like driving a car. 15-passenger vans are more susceptible to rollovers, blind spots, weight distribution issues and special handling requirements. Take this course to learn the things you need to know about driving a 15-passenger van so you can prevent avoidable collisions and injuries. Make sure you and your passengers reach your destination. Ideal learners are 15-passenger van drivers.
Course Objectives:
Recognize the difference between driving a 15-passenger van and a car;Recall the best way to load a 15-passenger van,Describe how to adjust your driving to account for the differences between cars and 15-passenger vans;Recall potentially hazardous conditions when driving a van and how to adjust your driving to account for them
Duration: 16 min.
Buy This Course
Price :
$29.95 ( Per License )
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